On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

> I was thinking that a sort of DBI/DBD dichotomy could be applied to
> DateTimes but along multiple dimensions.  Something like this:
>       my $dt = DateTime(
>          parser => DateTime::Parser::MySQL,
>          formatter => DateTime::Formats::strftime,
>          week_starts_at => DateTime::Weekdays::Sunday,
>       );

Just like I refuse to offer a way to switch between 0 and 1 indexed
values for methods, I am not going to offer a way to set the first day of
the week to Sunday.

However, just like we have month and month_0, I would be fine with
day_of_week and day_of_week_Sunday_is_first (modulo a better name).

In fact, in implementing the strftime code I already implemented the %w
specifier, which returns 0-6 (Sun-Sat), so we need the functionality

The other syntax you propose isn't that bad, but how does it scale when
you want to have multiple parsers and formatters A) as defaults; and B)
per object?

And how do you actually do parsing/formatting once the classes/objects are
known by the DateTime object at hand?

> Hey, I know! Let's fork and take the TimeDate namespace to make a
> superficially similar but completely different set of date/time
> routines.  <ducking and running> ;-) * 5

tamucc.edu, huh?  Lesse.  That's Corpus Christi, TX.  Yep, got the phone #
and address.  <arnold-voice>You can run but I vill find you,


House Absolute Consulting

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