> On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Rick Measham wrote:
>> I live in Australia and my timezone is +1100. But I host in the US someplace
>> where the machine has a timezone of -0600. I'd prefer to be able to set my
>> local timezone. Maybe ask the user on install but make a default of the
>> machine's local TZ?

On 6/2/03 10:14 am, Dave Rolsky at [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:
> 1. The "local" time is _calculated_ on each request.  We don't calculate
> it when the module is installed and then save it forever.
> 2. You can change your box's TZ, if it's your box.  If not, you can't rely
> on the "local" time!
> 3. We don't need to know your local offset for testing, except to test
> that setting "time_zone => 'local'" works.  Testing that is not important
> enough to ask someone to tell us their offset, which they'll get wrong
> half the time anyway.

Thanks Dave, I appreciate the clarification.


             There are 10 kinds of people:
   those that understand binary, and those that don't.
   The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck
     is the day they start selling vacuum cleaners

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