
I just subscribed to this list after seeing the article in use.perl.org.
I apologize if this topic has been discussed before...

I got the CVS version of DateTime.pm, and I noticed there wasn't a
single Asian DateTime::Language module. So I thought I might do a quick
hack and get you guys the Japanese version...

Then I noticed that DateTime::Language only has attributes for month
names, day names, and am/pm. What about time representation? And also,
there's the suffix characters that one might use in Japanese..

E.g (sorry if you can't read Japanese characters).

   western notation:  2003-12-31 14:32:24
   Japanese notation: 2003年12月31日 14時32分24秒
   (or even: 二〇〇三年十二月三十一日 十四時三十二分二四秒)

For those of you who can't read the above, basically each component is
followed by a character that denotes what the previous component stands
for like this:

   2003(year)12(month)31(days) 14(hours)32(minutes)24(seconds)

I suspect that same goes for some Asian languages.

Has there been any thoughts put into this?


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