On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Rick Measham wrote:

> sub format_datetime {
>     $dt = shift;
>     return sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s%s%s",
>         japanese_number($dt->year),
>         'japanese_for_year',
>         japanese_number($dt->month),
>         'japanese_for_month',
>         japanese_number($dt->day),
>         'japanese_for_day',
>         japanese_number($dt->hour),
>         'japanese_for_hour',
>         japanese_number($dt->minute),
>         'japanese_for_minute',
>         japanese_number($dt->second),
>         'japanese_for_second',
>     );
> }
> Basically, my reason for thinking this is a ::format rather than a
> ::language issue is that there are very few instances where the
> representations of numerals is not the hindu-arabic forms. To put numerals
> into ::Language modules would mean the overhead of 'translating' each
> numeral whenever its output.

In fact, the Japanese (and Chinese) very often do use Arabic numerals.
There are _also_ characters for numbers which are sometimes used.

What Daisuke (that's your personal name, right?) is suggesting is a way to
display a date and time with Arabic numerals followed by the characters
saying what those numerals mean, if I'm following correctly.

However, it might be good to have a method in DateTime::Format::Japanese
that returns the character representation of the Arabic numerals as well.

Then of course, I start wondering if we couldn't share this with the
Chinese language formatter.  And in fact, I suspect that the Japanese and
Chinese date formats would be identical.


House Absolute Consulting

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