On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Dave Rolsky wrote:

Then again, I wonder if durations shouldn't be removed altogether and put into separate packages that allowed people to choose their math assumptions.

You always suggest splitting it up into more packages, but that doesn't necessarily help. I think the real problem here is that a lot of people just want date math, and they don't care about times. The real split should probably be a date-only module vs a date+time module.

I'd also point out that if we offer all the possible math combos, people would have to read even more docs, think about this even harder, and still would get things wrong and be confused.

If DT.pm provides some sort of default, however arbitrary, they can at least count on that and use it to get their work done. There are various workarounds that can be used to achieve any results desired, and people who really need that will be able to figure out how to do what they want (probably with help from this list).

But for the vast majority of folks, they can follow the new guidelines in the docs and get useful results without having to understand too much of the details, which is what I've always aimed for with this module, since understanding _all_ the details is really quite a lot of work.


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