I have been following this list primarily to learn.
Let me say that I am a total newbie
I know that I am stepping into a puddle that is way over my head.

I am an occasional user of the datetime.
Like most users regarding documentation
    "When all else fails, read the manual"

I would like to present the needs of an occasional user...not necessarily a typical user.

I primarily need to work with dates and I am not overly concerned with time.

The results should be obviously "correct" and not throw an unexpected curve.
When I find the difference between 2 dates I expect to obtain the same dates
when I add/subract the difference. If I don't then it raises a red flag on the correctness of adding/
subtracting date duration...no matter what the documentation says.

I understand the difficulty when adding/subtracting months
     July 4 - 1 month   expect  June 4
     June 4 + 1 month  expect July 4

     July 31 - 1 month   expect  June 30
     June 30 + 1 month expect July 30

However if I take the difference between 2 dates I definitely
expect to obtain the original end dates. I don't want to dig through the
documentation to find why it doesn't.

I can understand the disruptions caused by various time periods
    year -> 365/366 days
    month -> 28/29, 30, 31 days

I know that time zones and daylight saving time create their own difficulties. If I had to work with dates manually I would most probably not concern myself with
time zones and daylight saving

I do not presume to have any solution.
I just ask that the developers come up with a KISS (keep it simple, I am stupid) module

Perhaps a DateTime::SimpleDate would be what an occasional user like me would need

Thank you for your indulgence.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Rolsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "datetime" <datetime@perl.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: DateTime.pm 0.30 coming up real soon now

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Rick Measham wrote:

You always suggest splitting it up into more packages, but that doesn't necessarily help. I think the real problem here is that a lot of people just want date math, and they don't care about times. The real split should probably be a date-only module vs a date+time module.

Yes I do don't I :)  Thanks for putting up with my mumblings ..

Is there a third time-only also? (I guess with no limit on hours)

Probably, just for the sake of completeness. It's certainly something that's simple enough to write.


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