Dear Patrick,

Thanks for the references. I wasn't able to access the Yago-SUMO page. Perhaps there is another source for it?

The website
appears to work for me. You can also read the following paper

Gerard de Melo, Fabian Suchanek and Adam Pease (2008). Integrating YAGO into the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology Proceedings of IEEE ICTAI 2008. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA. Technical Report version:

I do have the OWL version of the DBpedia ontology, and that is what I have been looking at as an indicator of the state of the ontology work. I don't yet know the relation between Yago and the DBpedia ontology.

DBpedia's ontology is extremely shallow with just 320 classes based on infobox types. Many Wikipedia pages do not have infoboxes and hence the corresponding instances lack any genuine class. The advantage of this approach is that it is fairly accurate.

YAGO, in contrast provides several classes for almost all instances with a Wikipedia page, but it is a bit less accurate. The class hierarchy contains many thousands of classes derived from WordNet, which of course is suboptimal in some ways from an ontological perspective.

The YAGO-SUMO project aims at replacing the WordNet upper-level of YAGO with one based
on SUMO.

I am still in the process of trying to get acquainted with the DBpedia ontology, and aside from what looks like inconsistencies the structure of the ontology itself, there is a peculiar usage:

Using the SPARQL query page, types of birds like "Albatross" ( are retrieved as instances of "Bird" (<>), i.e. the query:

{ ?e <> <>}

returns a list of types of birds. I would expect these entries to be **subclasses** of Bird, rather than **instances** (the usual interpretation of the rdf:type relation). Is this an intentional variant usage of the notion of "type"?

There have been approaches published on how to recognize Wikipedia pages that describe classes rather than individual instances. So far, however, such work has not made its way into DBpedia, which treats every page as describing an instance.

So learning whether there are existing applications that depend on the current structure of the DBpedia ontology is one of the issues of primary concern to me in this regard.

People frequently use DBpedia and YAGO as ontologically enhanced databases
that allow for join queries of the sort "Find me all companies founded in the Bay
Area in the 1960s". The ontology is used to make sure you match all
relevant subclasses of COMPANY. The YAGO2 demo paper has a screenshot [1]
showing how you can visualize the results.

Best regards,


Gerard de Melo []

Gerard de Melo []

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