On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Ali Gajani <aligaj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, I get this table is pretty cool (and yeah, I thought Aristotle
> would be first but I was wrong) but I'd like to keep my table in this form: 
> *Influencee
> : Influencer *so I can actually plot it in Gephi and then do the rest. I
> think the earlier query you mentioned does that, however, my question was,
> does it capture the truth as the two earlier individual tables did
> individually? I just wanted to be sure it does. Moreover, my it would be
> nice to modify the query to include persons as I did in my Question
> originally, because at this stage, it gives you stuff like "Java
> Programming Language", which is funny as I'd not like it to be there,
> specially for my analysis of the 'most powerful men in history'. Thanks
> Josh.

Yes, you're getting the same results as you would from two separate
queries, or from the query using the union (modulo the removal of any
duplicate results using `distinct`).   You can make sure that the
influencer and influencee are both people by using the same thing you had
before: checking for a ?i rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Person triple:

select * where {
  ?influencer dbpedia-owl:influenced ?influencee .
  dbpedia-owl:Person ^a ?influencer, ?influencee .

Joshua Taylor, http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~tayloj/
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