A fresh transfer of the "mics on stage" AUD has been done, and I should have it 
in hand shortly.  I'll report back after I've had a chance to listen to it.


> jim powell wrote:
> The listing quoted for this tape comes from the "Tapes In Circulation"
> document I put together around 1990.  I still have the cassette of the 2nd
> set for the purported "AUD from mics on stage" master.  This is how this
> master was described to me when I acquired it from Larry Slavens of Des
> Moines, a well-placed big collector with whom I have had no contact in about
> a decade.  The tape certainly sounds good enough to have been made as
> described.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Two of the 12/18 aud masters were transferred from the original cassettes to
> dat here in Minnesota back in '95 or so.  Both tapes were recorded from the
> audience, and the better sounding (quite nice) one was missing the first two
> songs (as is the purported "stage aud").  These tapes were unfortunately not
> widely circulated (as the sbd appeared, at the same time) and my dat masters
> have since been lost.   Someone with all "three" tapes in a shoebox
> somewhere could clear up the confusion with a listen.

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