On Wed, 14 May 2003 19:25:20 +0200, Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:22:36AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> Silly? My, we must have a chip on our choulder. Equally silly as
>> non-maintainers having delusions of control over what gets shipped
>> with a package?

> Where did I say that?  I am only requesting that developers who do
> not speak a given language do not edit their related l10n files, but
> ask first a trusted person fluent in this language if changes are
> needed.

        This is no different from code: if I maintian software, and I
 may not understand all the complexities of the package in question,
 but when I think I discover a problem, I send a notice to the
 upistream (coder, translator), and, if I am not fluenbt in the
 language, I ask someone to help (who may not be the upstream

        I then add a local patch correcting the issue until the matter
 is resolved upstream.

        This is a far cry from ``Do not touch l10n files''. 

        No one expects a maintainer to change code files either if
 they result is incorrect; that is just a bug. But maintainers are not
 admonished to never touch upstream files. 

        If ever a translation is included in my packages, I certainly
 am not going to respect such a restriction against modifying files in
 my package.

My My, hey hey Rock and roll is here to stay The king is gone but he's
not forgotten It's better to burn out This is the story of a Johnny
Rotten Than to fade away It's better to burn out than it is to rust My
my, hey hey The king is gone but he's not forgotten It's out of the
blue and into the black Hey hey, my my They give you this, but you pay
for that Rock and roll can never die And once you're gone you can
never come back There's more to the picture When you're out of the
blue Than meets the eye And into the black Neil Young "My My, Hey Hey
(Out of the Blue), Rust Never Sleeps"
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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