Thomas Goirand <> writes:

> Actually, thinking about it a 2nd time, I think there would be a major
> drawback in delaying to Jessie +1. If we decide that sysv-rc goes away,
> then starting at the Jessie release, we don't have to care anymore about
> LSB header scripts. Meaning that we could write systemd service files,
> plus OpenRC runscripts (for those who cares about OpenRC, or our
> non-linux ports).
> If we delay it, this means that we'd have to keep maintaining LSB header
> scripts in Sid for all the life of Jessie (for those who cares about
> non-linux ports or having OpenRC / sysv-rc support).
> Thoughts anyone?

>From a maintainer PoV, I already maintain sysvinit scripts for wheezy,
and upstream, they will have to be maintained for the forseeable future
anyway, so maintaining it for Jessie is exactly zero work on my part.

Adding OpenRC to the mix (something I'm not familiar with, and I'm not
really interested in getting to know better, either) is an extra burden
I wouldn't want to do myself. I wouldn't say no to a patch adding an
OpenRC runscript, of course, but I'd rather not do it myself.


P.S.: If you're curious, and would like to send OpenRC runscript
patches, syslog-ng-core is the single package in the archive where I
maintain a sysvinit script. ;)

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