Am 19.02.2014 00:52, schrieb Russ Allbery:
> Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <> writes:
>> They *HAVE* to be provided by the active init system.  They are an
>> impedance matching layer (aka stable API) used by maintainer scripts to
>> interface with the active init system.
> If you look at the existing implementation, you'll find that the version
> provided by sysv-rc already supports systemd, upstart, and sysv-rc itself.
> So this isn't precisely true.  If we stick with the current model, then
> some (probably essential) package just needs to provide those
> implementations and accept patches to work with new init systems, but each
> init system doesn't need to provide its own version.
> There are some advantages to providing only one version with knowledge of
> all of the init systems given that we're supporting init system switching,
> and therefore may need to set up state for init systems that aren't
> currently running so that switching can work properly.  A good example is
> registering an init script with insserv so that the correct S and K links
> are created even if the system is currently booted with a different init
> system.

If you look at e.g. update-rc.d enable|disable, it currently has support
for systemd, upstart and sysv-rc. So whenever you enable a service, this
state is kept in sync across the different init systems (assuming the
service in question ships native support for other init systems).

I don't find equivalent functionality in openrc's implementation of

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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