>>>>> No dia 10 Jun 1999 às 10:03, sobre "Re: Verb conjugator for Brazilian
>>>>> Portuguese", 
>>>>> "RCdS" == Rafael Caetano dos Santos escreveu:

    RCdS> Rafael Laboissiere writes:

    >> In the process of upgrading the ibrazilian Debian package, I noticed
    >> that a nice tool for Brazilian Portuguese verb conjugation (called
    >> conjugue) is released together with the ispell dictionary by the
    >> upstream author.  It is a awk script which, together with a verb
    >> database, is used to generate the hash file itself, but can also be
    >> used as a stand-alone program (it has even a nice man page).  I
    >> decided then to create a new package for it.  I will set its
    >> priority to extra.  I just need to find a name for the new package.
    >> I am considering the following possibilities:
    >> brazilian-conjugate
    >> br-conjugate
    >> br-conjugue

    RCdS> Eu acho que "portuguese-conjugate" seria melhor.

O problema é que a ortografia de alguns tempos/pessoas verbais difere entre
os dois continentes.  Por exemplo, a primeira pessoa do plural do perfeito
do indicativo do verbo testar, se escreve "testámos" em Portugal e
"testamos" no Brasil.  O programa conjugue do Ricardo Ueda respeita as
regras do Português do Brasil, logo seria ultrajante para os nossos amigos
portugueses dar o nome de "portuguese-conjugate" ao pacote. 


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