> As a matter of interest, who is using SVGATextMode with an S3 ViRGE and a
> 1024x768 capable monitor? if I try to go above 80x30, the characters on
> the left hand side of the screen get all screwy, and sometimes the left of
> the screen is cut off at the 10thish column and is repeated from there...
> So I use LILO to give me 80x34 :)
> Any Ideas?

I am.

My own text mode is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  My settings:

--- snip ---
ChipSet "S3"
ClockChip "S3Virge"
# The following line might be what you're missing...
Option "S3_HSText"
option "16color"
# You may be missing this as well -- apparently, you must make sure to
# load fonts at high frequencies
Option "LoadFont"
FontProg "/usr/bin/setfont"
FontPath "/usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts"
# The following font is not in the package -- I grabbed it off sunsite's
# console fonts pack.
FontSelect "sans-16"   8x16 9x16 8x15 9x15 
# The following fonts were kept as default -- I don't use them
FontSelect "Cyr_a8x14"   8x14 9x14 8x13 9x13
FontSelect "8x12alt.psf" 8x12 9x12 8x11 9x11
FontSelect "Cyr_a8x8"    8x8  9x8  8x7  9x7
FontSelect "Cyr_a8x32"   8x32 9x32 8x31 9x31

FontProg "/usr/bin/setfont -u def.uni"
HorizSync 30-66
VertRefresh 50-110
DefaultMode "80x25"
"80x25"          28.3    640  680  776  800    400  412  414  449 font  9x16
# This is the mode I use.  I had to mess with the first, second, fourth
# and fifth values to center.  I basically tried until I got something
# reasonable, so I can't really give some hints besides keep a console
# with "stm 80x25" always ready at the prompt, and your finger on the
# monitor's power off switch (just in case you give bad settings)
"custom"          55   800  878  922 1042    615  615  616  650 font  8x16

--- snip ---

I hope that will be of some use to you.

Benoit Goudreault-Emond
PGP public key fingerprint: 11 43 A9 04 7C 11 41 44  5F FC 69 B1 B6 0A ED 78
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