> The 80x50 LILO can give me, also gives me 8x8 pixel characters.
> Using SVGATextMode I have 116x51 using 16x9 pixel characters.
> Readable characters are enough reason for me.

I don't even remember what I am using in lilo but I am quite happy with
it (bully for me).

> But if you haven't configured SVGATextMode properly it shouldn't
> start at all at boot time. First configure it and be confident that
> it really works on your hardware, then make it start at boot time.

Maybe it shouldn't start but it DID start.  I was more than surprised as
I am all but certain that I did NOT explicitely choose to install
SVGATextMode when in dselect.  In any event it did install and the next
time the machines was booted, consoles were fouled up.

Upon reading the docs for the program and experiementing with it, I got
it to work except for the corruption following a switch from X.  I
remember that there were some comments about switching back and forth
and I am pretty sure that I tried at least some suggestions but to no

The 'bigger issue' to me was that even though I was pleased with
flexibility provided for consoles, I don't like the idea of something
that 'messes' with the console that can break single user mode.  Thus,
there was not much motivation for me to try to track down the X ->
SVGATextMode corruption.  If I really felt a strong need to use it
though, I would play around with how it is started so that it would not
start automagically when in single user mode.  While such a change is
probably 'brutally simple', insuring that future updates of the package
file did not 'undo' the change is, I think, not trivial.

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
         See!  They do get some things right!

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