On Tue, 24 Feb 1998 Alex Yukhimets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@krypton.stern.nyu.edu 

> > > Great proposition. Unfortunately, both lesstif and gtk developers
> > > flamed me heavily while I was lurking on their lists :) May be it's my
> > > problem though...
> > 
> > could be.  it's hard to imagine that a lurker would get flamed.  people
> > usually only get flamed for saying something annoying.
> Oh, yeah. I was saying very annoying things. Like the one that gtk people
> broke the X naming conventions. And that the goal of lesstif is
> theoretically unachievable in a way it is stated on their homepage
> due to the nature of X...

it may have had something to do with the *way* you said it. people tend
to respond negatively to things that they perceive as an attack whether
intentional or not. that's something to think about, anyway....

> > as i said, open source is only ONE of my criteria. a very important one,
> > but not the only one. fortunately, netscape is being released as an open
> > source project next month so this anomaly will be gone.
> Yes, but I wouldn't get that excited about it. Remember, Netscape uses
> Motif (and as any other decent Motif product, not only Motif, but some
> other add-on *commercial* widgets). 

which is why porting netscape to gtk is at (or near) the top of the open
source netscape wishlist.


craig sanders

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