> that's fine, you can program in whatever toolkit you prefer.

Thanks :)

> however, you have to accept the fact that some of your choices may be
> incompatible with free software licensing.  


> if you want wide distribution and adoption of your software in the free
> software community, then use a free/open source toolkit. if you don't
> care about that then use motif or some other proprietary toolkit.

The thing here is that no free toolkit meets my need.

> if you do want lots of people to use your software, and lesstif or
> other toolkit isn't good enough for your needs then you should join the
> development team of one of the projects and contribute code until it is
> good enough.

Great proposition. Unfortunately, both lesstif and gtk developers flamed
me heavily while I was lurking on their lists :) 
May be it's my problem though...

Anyway, if we recall from what we started, the GPL licensing which
obstructs my development... The time may come when lesstif is mature
enough so that my software can be safely recompiled and become compelely
free.  I still cannot reuse GPL'd code *now*.

> > If you like, I can send you a pilot prototype so that you can compare 
> > its look with the one of, say, gzilla.                                
> no thanks, i'm not terribly interested in software which i can't modify
> if i need to. (i don't have motif so i can't recompile it even if it is
> free)

Do you use Netscape? :)


Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
  \    (")            |       http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/      |
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