On Mon, Feb 23, 1998 at 02:11:44PM +0000, Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131 wrote:
> Could someone please explain the concept of Non-Free Packages please (i.e. 
> Pine
> etc).

Please read Debian's Social Contract at

Included on that page you'll find the "Debian Free Software
Guidlines" (short: DFSG).

> It is just that I don't understand why other distributions can include them in
> there official releases, where as debain can not.

The most important goal of Debian is to produce and maintain a 
_free_ distribution in the sense of GPL or better DFSG.  This means
that any piece of software that is included in our main distribution
must comply with the DFSG.  We also encourage software authors to
distribute their software under the GPL.

Software that does not comply with the DFSG has to be put into
the non-free part if distribution is allowed.

If the software itself is distributed under a free license but
depends on non-free parts (like mosaic+motif, kde+qt) it may go
into the contrib part of the distribution.

> Also on another note, does anyone knoe if there is a graphical front end to 
> the
> ipfwadm (Firewall) program?  If not then I am currently considering writing
> one.  The current plan is to produce both a  ncurses version, and a HTML
> version.  But why reinvent the wheel if there is already one.

I hope you'll put it under the GPL.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/ Unix is user friendly ...  It's just picky about it's friends /

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