> > > I hope you'll put it under the GPL.
> >
> > Hope you wouldn't :)
> >
> > Since I wouldn't be able to create a Motif interface in case you put
> > it under GPL. I am having a big problems with GPL'd software now:  I
> > am writing a Motif clone of WS_FTP and while the front-end is almost
> > ready, I am forced to write my own back-end because the usable ftp
> > software is GPL'd! I feel more then frustrated about it now.
> Q: ouch!  it hurts when i do this.
> A: don't do that then.
> in other words, if motif is causing you problems then don't use motif.
> there are several GPL-ed alternatives available, including lesstif.


I expected this :)
Guys, what I am doing is a high-quality gui programming. 
(sorry if it sounds a bit ... not humble). Even Motif is not enough
for this kind of task. I am using most of the features of Motif 2.0
(those which are also present in 2.1) - this rules lesstif out.
And still, it was not enough. I even thought of using the VERY non-free,
(check out the prices on www.klg.com), the XRT PDS widget set for Motif.
There were several other alternatives though, due to the very long history
of Motif many free widgets were created. I compared several of them
and found that the gain from XRT PDS would be minimal, ended up with using
some free (but still Motif-based) widgets (XbaeMatrix comes to mind).

If you like, I can send you a pilot prototype so that you can compare its 
look with the one of, say, gzilla. 


Alex Y.
 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
  \    (")            |       http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/      |
  /     \ \           +-------------------------------------------+

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