On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > > Also on another note, does anyone knoe if there is a graphical front end 
> > > to the
> > > ipfwadm (Firewall) program?  If not then I am currently considering 
> > > writing
> > > one.  The current plan is to produce both a  ncurses version, and a HTML
> > > version.  But why reinvent the wheel if there is already one.
> > 
> > I hope you'll put it under the GPL.
> Hope you wouldn't :) 
> Since I wouldn't be able to create a Motif interface in case you put
> it under GPL. I am having a big problems with GPL'd software now:
> I am writing a Motif clone of WS_FTP and while the front-end is almost
> ready, I am forced to write my own back-end because the usable ftp
> software is GPL'd! I feel more then frustrated about it now. 

You must also realise that some people don't have motif, so that this
doesn't affect them. There is also the "static" motif option (i'm guessing
here...), like the gimp-smotif package, is there not?

I would like a front end to ipfwadm, as I have no idea how to use it... I
haven't spent my customary hour reading docs on it yet... 
Here's another question, is there a usermod frontend? For example, setting
groups and things?

                       Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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