Am Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> I read your off-list mail. I didn't read your last mail to the list to
> the end, because it's to long. You ask me to stop, I stopped. Yes, I
> could name a developer, but it doesn't make sense, he's very kind. I
> don't like to fight a battle with you.
> I only tried to make clear that there are differences, neither the one
> nor the other distro is better or less good.

Of course there are differences. That I didn´t find the comparisons useful was 
the exact point I made.

A perception I made is that Debian developers tends to follow upstream quite 
closely: I.e. take it verbatim. A – I admit – dated comparison: I installed 
a Kubuntu for my father once. It had some KDE SC 3.x. I also installed a 
Debian Lenny I think at that time. It also had KDE SC 3.x. The Lenny install 
was not able to digest the KDE configuration files from the Kubuntu install 

Kubuntu had something patched into the control panel that wasn´t there in 
Debian. And then back then they already defaulted to Dolphin as standard file 
manager, even though at that time it wasn´t official part of core KDE 
packages! I disagreed with that choice, cause back then Dolphin was not yet 
as usable and polished as now.

But some may have liked this.

I dunno whether Kubuntu still adapts KDE quite much. But as a hint to Mike: 
With Debian you get a KDE SC thats – at least in my impression – is quite 
close to upstream and carries only little adaptions. That said, it may well 
include bugfixes and stuff not in the upstream function, but in my impression 
it is neither changed much regarding its appearance or features. So if you 
expect a somewhat "pimped" KDE SC, you might be better off with another 
distro. The biggest change right now I think is that Debian still carries 
KDEPIM 1 as of KDE SC 4.4.11.

For me the Debian approach works well. May be due that I like the KDE SC 
stuff from upstream. :)

> However, the OP perhaps will update and when his Debian than should be
> borked others will claim, that the OP missed to read changelogs, that the
> OP shouldn't have used this or that DE etc.. I'm just warning that it's
> not that easy. Different distros, different drawbacks and advantages.

I got the impression that Mike knows how to help himself :)

I usually run my Debian systems with apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges :)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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