2014/10/08 6:07 "Andrei POPESCU" <andreimpope...@gmail.com>:
> On Ma, 07 oct 14, 12:00:57, Steve Litt wrote:
> >
> >https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=727708
> >
> > Read ^H^H^H^H skim the thread. Notice how, in the first 10 posts, after
> > insisting that alternate inits be part of the discussion, a guy named
> > Thorsten Glaser was ordered not to bring up alternate inits in the
> That doesn't match my memory of the entire debate, care to refresh my
> memory with a reference?

Well, I'll tell you, Andrei. I was raised on the idea that KISS is never an
optional principle in engineering, and more especially to be strictly
observed when working with anything that has to respond to real-world
events in some pre-determined amount of time.

Perhaps that point of view colors my interpretation of the conversation in
a way different from the way you read or watched it.

> > thread again. Again and again, the conversation is steered into the
> > most limiting set of alternatives, often trampling on those who say
> > "wait a minute, let's consider other things."
> As far as I recall OpenRC was indeed deemed unsuitable quite early, but
> this was done on technical grounds (not ready, lack of documentation,
> lack of features, etc.).

Lack of documentation is one kind of technical ground, I suppose, but it is
a completely different topic from deterministic execution paths.

Lack of features is not a defect in a pid 1 process. If the traditional
sysv inherited inits have issues, pid 1 being too simple is not one of the

A good engineer can read code. No amount of engineering magic can read the
execution of a pid 1 process that is chasing its tail trying to parse an
error state. Pid 1 should never see anything more than three options to an
event -- kill, pass it on, or ignore -- and the decision chain should have
as few steps as possible, preferably less than three. Otherwise, and it
doesn't matter how many processors you have going how fast, you are going
to see the system freeze at odd times, punt at odd times, and fail to
enforce at odd times, among other issues.

And these will be the quiet kind of errors where data gets corrupted and is
lost and no one is aware of the corruption until months later, when you
really need the data but there is no way to go back and re-build it. Months
and data corruption if you're lucky, backdoors never discovered if you

All the fuss about race conditions, all the fuss about logging, the steady
absorption of daemons, like cron, that should be separate, etc., all of
these are not features. They are symptoms of the failure to keep it simple
and avoid trying to make it too smart.

If openrc was not ready because of documentation, how can systemd ever be
considered ready until pid 1 is stripped down to the bare minimum? Greater
than 1M is two orders of magnitude beyond too big.

Does that help you see what Steve and others interpret as railroading?

Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens.
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

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