On Mi, 08 oct 14, 11:41:05, Joel Rees wrote:
> 2014/10/08 6:07 "Andrei POPESCU" <andreimpope...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > On Ma, 07 oct 14, 12:00:57, Steve Litt wrote:
> > >
> > >https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=727708
> > >
> > > Read ^H^H^H^H skim the thread. Notice how, in the first 10 posts, after
> > > insisting that alternate inits be part of the discussion, a guy named
> > > Thorsten Glaser was ordered not to bring up alternate inits in the
> >
> > That doesn't match my memory of the entire debate, care to refresh my
> > memory with a reference?
> Well, I'll tell you, Andrei. I was raised on the idea that KISS is never an
> optional principle in engineering, and more especially to be strictly
> observed when working with anything that has to respond to real-world
> events in some pre-determined amount of time.

I was specifically asking about a reference for "Thorsten Glaser was 
ordered not to bring up alternate inits...".

Kind regards,
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