On Friday, December 12, 2003, at 10:46 AM, Kent West wrote:

I've done business with TigerDirect in the past, but recently they've added a pro-MS banner to their home page. I wrote this note to them, and would encourage other Debianistas who have done business with them to make your feelings known to them also. Note, I realize many (most?) of you aren't anti-Microsoft (unlike myself), but are rather pro-Debian, but the banner just seems -- wrong, somehow, for freedom-loving folks. I'm probably over-reacting (and hopefully this message won't get me in a bunch of killfiles), but it just seems like I should make you folks aware of this.

I interpret it as being aimed at Windows users, encouraging them to spend extra for Windows XP instead of copying some old version of Windows from a friend. As a Debian user I don't care what version of Windows they recommend. If they recommended Redhat, then I'd be annoyed.

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