On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 22:59, Kevin Mark wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 09:46:03AM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> > 
> > Perhaps I have no business posting this here . . . .
> > 
> > I've done business with TigerDirect in the past, but recently 
> > they've added a pro-MS banner to their home page. I wrote this note 
> > to them, and would encourage other Debianistas who have done 
> > business with them to make your feelings known to them also. Note, 
> > I realize many (most?) of you aren't anti-Microsoft (unlike 
> > myself), but are rather pro-Debian, but the banner just seems -- 
> > wrong, somehow, for freedom-loving folks. I'm probably 
> > over-reacting (and hopefully this message won't get me in a bunch 
> > of killfiles), but it just seems like I should make you folks aware 
> > of this.
> > 
> <snip>
> Hi Kent,
> IIRC they offer some no os pcs. If that is the case, as long as they
> continue to do this, that is what I would care about.
> I understand their position, 99.9% of businesses that are pro-linux are not 
> anti-microsoft but just want for ms not to bury them(sun,...etc) contrary to what 
> the linux community wanted out of the antitrust cases. Freshmeat, Slashdot and other 
> media have had ms banner IIRC. So, this is not a big deal to me. 
> What is a big deal to me is the DMCA, Patriot Act and DRM.
> -Kev

I myself am not a pure-ist.  But, I no longer use windows, and Boot
Debian Sid for my OS of choice.  I have long promoted Debian, even while
my colleagues were Red Krap freaks because they thought it was cool to
like linux, but not really know anything. But I have to say I agree with
the original poster.

Although I agree that our biggest threats to the 'Open Source' movement
is things like the DMCA...etc.  There is also the problem of the small
threat. Not to 'Opensource', but to Linux it self.  'Opensource' is not
Linux, it's a way of life.

Companies like Tigerdirect, by promoting XP, have shown a bias.  They
are a hardware distributor, who are now promoting a software upon the
hardware they sell.

Are we not a legitimate OS that can run on the same hardware?

Companies like Dell stopped selling Linux based computers because there
was a lack of interest.  But it was funny that I noticed that the same
hardware could be bought for a cheaper price, from them,  when it was
shipped with winblows. Only problem was, and have experienced this, Dell
would not honor their warranty if it was shipped with winblows, and got
formated and Linux installed.

I mean holly fril, If Gateway had a sticker that guaranteed that every
piece of hardware on a specific Box was Linux compatible, no matter what
os was shipped, they'd probably become better than they are currently. 
But, why do they not get this?????  HP recently announced that they will
start supporting Debian, but where on their site can I gat a laptop
pre-installed with Debian?

I just want these companies to recognize that we buy too, and that we
want to know if a particular product is Linux compatible.  I mean, a
while back I was a big ATI fan.  But, once I realized they would support
the video drivers only, but not support the All-in-Wonder card's TV
functions, I completely quit using them, and am now anti-ATI unless they
get their shit together and support Linux as a whole and not just when
they want too.  At least nVidia puts out Linux drivers for their cards!
(yes, I know about the gatos project, but it's an outside thing....ATI
has not helped them.)

Hell, Bioware...although took way too long to put out the Linux version
binaries for NeverWinter's Nights, at least they put it out.  Unlike all
these other companies who don't consider my OS worth while to develop

These companies promote the M$ monopoly, and should realise that maybe,
currently M$ may have a lagre group, 70% to whatever of the desktop
world(just a guess for the rant), but are you really wanting to lose 30%
of your business?  And what if M$ goes under....if you have never
developed for others you go under as well.  Jesus, how much of common
sense does this take for them to get it?

Honestly, how many of us would go completely to a particular hardware
vender if they had a stamp that said....'Linux Compatible'.  You know we
all would.

And, I don't have a problem if tigerdirect, or anyone else, has banners
that are windows oriented, but if they promote that they recommend
windows over anything else, then we should let them know that we are
Buyers as well and would appreciate equal advertisement or they will not
get our business, and promote against them...like maybe a link page of
Linux-friendly hardware distributors, or whatever we can to make these
game developers and hardware makes know that we want to be supported,
and are tired of being treated like second class citizens.

I don't give a damn if most computers run winblows...I don't! and I want
to watch DVD's, play games, burn cd's, and do all the same things they

And, my opinion is that if they don't develop for Linux as well, then
they are promoting the M$ monopoly, and should be liable under the U.S.
justice for promoting a monopoly  

I would say just my 2 cents....but I think I have taken up a dollar!


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