On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 09:46:03AM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> Perhaps I have no business posting this here . . . .
> I've done business with TigerDirect in the past, but recently 
> they've added a pro-MS banner to their home page. I wrote this note 
> to them, and would encourage other Debianistas who have done 
> business with them to make your feelings known to them also. Note, 
> I realize many (most?) of you aren't anti-Microsoft (unlike 
> myself), but are rather pro-Debian, but the banner just seems -- 
> wrong, somehow, for freedom-loving folks. I'm probably 
> over-reacting (and hopefully this message won't get me in a bunch 
> of killfiles), but it just seems like I should make you folks aware 
> of this.
Hi Kent,
IIRC they offer some no os pcs. If that is the case, as long as they
continue to do this, that is what I would care about.
I understand their position, 99.9% of businesses that are pro-linux are not 
anti-microsoft but just want for ms not to bury them(sun,...etc) contrary to what the 
linux community wanted out of the antitrust cases. Freshmeat, Slashdot and other media 
have had ms banner IIRC. So, this is not a big deal to me. 
What is a big deal to me is the DMCA, Patriot Act and DRM.

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