Le mercredi 14 octobre 2020 à 02:12:45-0700, Weaver a écrit :
> On 14-10-2020 18:30, Christoph K. wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 23:06:55 -0700
> > Weaver wrote <wea...@riseup.net>:
> >
> >> > "as I learnt to read years ago,"
> >> It's appropriate sarcasm.
> >
> > Disagreed.
> > It's simply disrespectful.
> >
> >
> >> For those who require spoon feeding:
> >
> > As is this comment, too.
> >
> >
> > Sarcasm can be fun sometimes, but I believe it's no appropriate way to
> > communicate on debian mailing lists. It can lead to misunderstandings and
> > people being hurt, apart from making a bad impressions on others reading
> > this list.
> >
> > Please re-read the Debian Code of Conduct and consider being more polite:
> > https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct
> Being polite is a standard that has to apply to all.
> I consider the original post not to be.
> To me I see an outstanding example of laziness from somebody who
> obviously needs no consideration in the accessibility department.
> Scrolling an alphabetically arranged file system doesn't even qualify as
> trivial.

When the displayed file list contains hundreds or thousands of
files/directories, and you don't know the first letters of their name,
looking for a substring or a fuzzy pattern by hand with your eyes and
via scrolling qualifies as not-at-all trivial.

> It can be accomplished as quickly as you can move your hand.
> The use of find and/or locate will dig up anything, no matter how deeply
> hidden in a plethora of directories.

The question is about a GUI file manager with a specific feature, not
about a command line way of doing it.

> [snip]

The debian-user list is a communication medium where each and any user
of Debian, from "newbie" to "expert" to ask questions and share their
knowledge about the project and its features.

While many users are comfortable with "posting bugs" and "filing
issues", some are not, and are more used to ask for help. It's not
laziness, it's a state of mind. And you probably have relatives who do
the same.

If you have troubles with such users, you can just ignore their mails
and answer to the things that you feel are interesting for you. This
would spare you some time, and a part of the Community wouldn't feel
driven out by another one.

Being eager to live in a world where everyone is not the same, and where
people feel like using the Distribution I contribute to, I'd rather you
not chosing for me which user has a right to ask questions here.

Kind regards.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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