On 18-10-2020 00:53, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 10:39:01PM -0700, Weaver wrote:
>> On 17-10-2020 15:05, Michael uplawski wrote:
>> > Leslie Rhorer:
>> >> Until someone does earn respect, there is no reason anyone
>> >> should afford it them.  It is utterly ridiculous to think everyone
>> >> deserves respect.
>> >
>> > This is where you are excluding yourself from the human community. Face
>> > it. Live with it. *We* will be fine, anyway.
>> Rubbish!
> Tone not helpful here on either side.

Rubbish is rubbish
Some may see a point in dressing it up as otherwise.
I don't.

>> There are certain qualities which must be extended before you are worthy
>> of receiving them, trust, loyalty, to mention a couple, but you can
>> throw respect in there also, along with one or two others.
>> I have to earn the respect of every child I meet, and maintain the
>> standard every time I encounter that child in the future.
>> Some, in their retarded viewpoint, believe respect is something
>> engendered by social position.
> Retarded is not a helpful term here or, indeed, anywhere.

Retarded is retarded.
You seem to prefer to believe it is aimed at an individual, when it is
clearly applied to a viewpoint.

>> Wrong!
>> Social position is engendered by earned level of respect.
>> `excluding yourself from the human community', what a load of puerile
>> ignorance!
> Puerile here is also not helpful. Considered, constructive language
> which advances a thought through viewpoint is preferable.
> Another way of putting it "never argue with an idiot on the Internet.
> After a couple of rounds, a dispassionate observer will not be able
>  to tell who's who"

Puerile is puerile.
`Immature, especially in being silly or trivial; childish'.
The terminology applies: employ it.
`Considered, constructive language' - is language which communicates
`which advances a thought through viewpoint' - Pseudo-intellectual
You know another method?
Observation is dependent on conditioned viewpoint.
Beginning, end, and entire middle of story.

> If you were to treat your readers with a greater consideration for
> their intellect, you  might come across better.

A discerning intellect would have not sent this to me directly, would
have identified the aspects specified more accurately, and kept it on


> See also Edward Gibbon - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chapter 2

We live in exactly those times, a classic example being played out
before our very eyes.

`Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful'.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

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