On 10/18/2020 5:23 AM, Michael uplawski wrote:

And I stand mine: respect is a quality that needs to be earned.

All living thing, and maybe more merit respect as a matter of fact.

That is total horse crap. As I pointed out before, anything given without discrimination to everyone without respect to merit is completely worthless by definition. If this is the case for your respect, then do not bopther to offer it to me, because it is less than nothing.

I maintain, however, that my respect has both meaning and value, and as such will under no circumstances be afforded to any who cannot be bothered to earn it. I am generally loathe to quote the Bible, but Matthew 7:6 says, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

You may go offering "respect" to thieves, murderers, rapists, and blithering idiots, but I refuse.

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