On 10/16/2020 4:57 AM, Pierre-Elliott B�cue wrote:
        The point - or my point anyway - is rather than seeking to tack on a 
bunch of poorly considered features to a poorly considered fundamental
utility, well considered, powerful, highly configurable solutions such as
"find" should be encouraged.

And no one said that one couldn't recommend using a command line tool.
But the fact there is a command line tool doesn't make the need of the
same feature in a GUI file manager absurd or irrelevant. And your
opinion on that matter is irrelevant as you are not the one asking for

This is nonsense. Whenever I forced to do something, or worse yet, prevented from doing something by a consensus of incompetent individuals, I have every right to complain.

The debian-user list is a communication medium where each and any user
of Debian, from "newbie" to "expert" to ask questions and share their
knowledge about the project and its features.

        Why talk about Debian, irrespective of what list this is, when a more
powerful, simpler, more fundamental utility is available on *ALL* distros?

Being "irrespective" of the list is completely irrelevant to the matter,
as this very list is a Debian one for people needing help about Debian.
Not just the ones you think have a right to ask for help but all of

Your saying so does not make it so. The simple fact is a solution which works for 100,000 people is superior to that which only serves 500 people, *PROVIDED* the 500 are included in the 100,000. Very, very few distros fail to provide the find utility. It just does not get any more universal.

I *NEVER* suggested anyone should not have the right to ask a question. Indeed, everyone should be encouraged to ask questions. Everyone is also entitled to an opinion and to express it.

This fact litteraly makes the whole remains of your mail moot, and I'll
henceforth refrain from answering to it.

        Your "fact" is in error.

Feel free to ignore """lazy""" people from now on, but don't be
irrespectful to them.

You have no right to, and they don't deserve it.

There is no such word - or concept - as irrespectful. The point you were apparently trying to make, however, is just completely wrong. I, and anyone else, have every right to reserve my respect from whomever I choose. Respect is *EARNED*. It is not a right and it is not a privilege. Until someone does earn respect, there is no reason anyone should afford it them. It is utterly ridiculous to think everyone deserves respect. If it is afforded to everyone, then it becomes totally worthless.

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