On 10/18/2020 7:39 AM, Pierre-Elliott B�cue wrote:
In your perception.

Looking at the number of people who replied to tell you your attitude is
not welcome, I think it is a bit more than just my perception.

It would be rather remarkable if it were only yours. A singular perception limited to a single person is a delusion, and you don't seem delusional. My question is, "So what?"

I guess this is why Andrew sent his reply just to you,
instead of giving you another shovel to dig with.

I don't know what you are trying to achieve here, but I stand my point
: your lack of respect for others is not welcome here.

And I stand mine: respect is a quality that needs to be earned.

Not here.

Everywhere. Otherwise, as I pointed out more than once, it is completely worthless and of no use or value to anyone. It is analogous to giving every single person a PhD. Having done so, having a PhD would be absolutely meaningless. If absolutely everyone is given complete respect regardless of their behavior then respect means nothing. Zilch. Nada. Complete zero. Then asking for it anywhere including here, serves no purpose whatsoever.

I do not understand how anyone can fail to understand this. Suppose everything were free to everyone just for the asking. What would be the point of having money?

You are not doing anyone any favors by insisting upon universal respect. Quite the opposite, you are offering everyone the highest possible level of disrespect. Claiming everyone should be given respect is *EXACTLY* the same as saying no one deserves it, least of all those who have worked hardest to deserve it.

You need to understand, it is *YOU* who are guilty of disrespect in that you try to destroy any value inherent in respect. It is *YOU* who are being far and away the most offensive.

Not in the biggest part of the society.

The biggest part of "society" (whatever that is) deserves nothing whatsoever unless they earn it. Neither does the smallest.

Respect is presumed, and then is either confirmed or lost.

First of all, that is quibbling. Whether something is afforded a-priori and then withdrawn or afforded only after the fact is a minor distinction. You said it must be afforded to everyone. Now you are saying it does not have to be afforded to everyone. You cannot have it both ways.

Feel free to abide by the rules
you like at your home, but here the rules are not yours. If you're not
fine with these rules, it's the same as any private space: either remain
silent or leave.

I do not feel compelled to abide by any rules, anywhere. I am as much as possible a free man, which means I answer to no one. I choose to do my very best to behave in a strictly ethical and consistent manner, causing injury to no one and as much as possible allowing those around me to enjoy as much freedom as possible. Others may think of me what they will. I really could not possibly care less.

That said, it is never my intent to be rude. If you perceive me to be rude, then you are mistaking my intent, regardless of what you think may have been my meaning.

Many times people let rude and aggressive tones and behaviours go,

I let rude and aggressive tones and behaviors go because they mean nothing at all, especially not to me. I have many, many important things to consider in my life. Someone being snarky to me on a mailing list doesn't even make it into the top 500.

are rules to interact on these lists and that one tries to show that
he's smarter and rules don't apply to him are just boring for everyone.
But from time to time, it's required to remind to everyone that just
because we don't react all the time doesn't mean we think less.

        Is there a point there?  If so, I missed it.

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