Byung-Hee HWANG wrote:
> Go with Gnome Desktop. Gnome is easy and friendly.
> Also i am using Gnome Desktop under Debian 11 Bullseye.

  :)  i'm running testing with bits of unstable and
just tagging along on this thread because i feel a
bit chatty this morning so a bit of story time and
preferences from my experiences so far with Debian
and desktop environments.

  if we're going to plug a different desktop with a
simple interface (as indicated by the OP) i'll put one
in for the MATE desktop.  it is fairly consistent for
many years and a lot more simple for my pea brain to
understand and get things done.  the other aspect i
was after was being able to handle lesser versions of
hardware that could at times not do as much as i 
might have wanted but it did work ok until i could
finally upgrade my hardware.

  having spent many hours years ago when various 
desktops were being developed to learn KDE and get my
desktop set up exactly how i liked it and then they
changed it to something i didn't like and so i switched
to GNOME and went through the large amount of work to
get that set up and how i liked it and again had that
desktop change to something i did not like again (in
both the KDE and GNOME cases it was also using more
resources than my older machine at that time could
reliably handle).  so then MATE came along and has 
done exactly what i wanted it to do.  stay simple and
not mess up my layouts and preferences too much as 
it updates.  thankfully i have not had to do much
more fiddling around or searching for another desk-
top since.

  i have not had to try the other more simple
desktops, but i probably could manage it, after all
a simple console text terminal was adequate for many
years on a bunch of different machines through 15
years of work even if i also could have multiple
terminals open on a Sun machine.  thank ghods for a
good local network all those years (one advantage
of working at the university back then).  i really
was spoiled by that and did not really appreciate
it until i was offline more and forced to use dialup
lines and modems all over again.

> Sincerely, Byung-Hee



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