On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 10:34:42AM +0530, Susmita/Rajib wrote:
> My dear illustrious leaders and senior list members of debian-user ML,
> I hope I will have a clear reply on the matter by the end of the
> inputs received for this query.
> For example, in Debian https://wiki.debian.org/LXDE has almost
> nothing. Whereas Arch has at least a better wiki documentation on
> LXDE. Also, as described in the earlier post:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/05/msg00792.html, the native
> wiki website of LXDE is non-existent.

You will get many answers: there is not "one size fits all". There
are people who don't want a desktop at all (me, for example: and
I have tried Gnome for a while and XFCE for a shorter while). A
friend of mine who wants to be "just a user" does prefer a desktop.
I let her try different options and she settled for Mate.

So just saying "X is the best" doesn't do justice to the diversity
of human beings (and perhaps also situations).

Now to the Arch wiki. It is a work of beauty. Its seeming simplicity
hides the fact that there must be a ton of love work beneath that.

And as Sqaaakoi wrote elsewhere in this thread, you can learn a
lot of things there which are useful for Debian or for Linux in
general. The spirit of free software at its best.


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