On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:04:55 +0800
jeremy ardley <jeremy.ard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My current favourites are RK3588 based CPU SBC devices which have an 
> exceptionally fast set of CPUs, high speed networking, and options
> for Debian or Ubuntu or OpenWRT or Armbian. They can provide a
> network storage service as well as a highly capable firewall
> Ipv4/IPv6 function,with  DNS, DHCP, mail gateway, VPN gateway etc.
> These things cost under $100USD including a nice heatsink case and 
> 8-16GB RAM.

Nice. Can you point me at any specific vendors? I found the four
US vendors mentioned in https://pcengines.ch/order.htm. You've already
mentioned Friendly Elec.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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