On 16/11/23 15:40, Tixy wrote:
On Thu, 2023-11-16 at 09:04 +0800, jeremy ardley wrote:
My current favourites are RK3588 based CPU SBC devices which have an
exceptionally fast set of CPUs, high speed networking, and options for
Debian or Ubuntu or OpenWRT or Armbian.
Are these the usual SBC setup where you have to run the vendor kernel,
plus possibly other custom bits, or would pure Debian including kernel
run on them?

The FriendlyPC version run a vendor version of Debian with some packages especially compiled for the device such as ffmpeg and graphics drivers

Armbian is usually a bit slower in releases and produces a more canonical Debian version with differences in the SBC specific device drivers using dynamic overlays. Most packages are pure debian

The Armbian kernel is a variation on Debian but you can cross compile it on an X86 debian system if you need specific kernal mods - though generally the Armbian kernel doesn't need any changes.

This is from my Armbian Router using my fastest mirror which is in Singapore

root@edge:/etc/apt# cat sources.list
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 12.0.0 _Bookworm_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 with firmware 20230610-10:23]/ bookworm main non-free-firm>

deb http://mirror.djvg.sg/debian/ bookworm main non-free-firmware
deb-src http://mirror.djvg.sg/debian/ bookworm main non-free-firmware

deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main non-free-firmware deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security main non-free-firmware

# bookworm-updates, to get updates before a point release is made;
# see https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_updates_and_backports
deb http://mirror.djvg.sg/debian/ bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware
deb-src http://mirror.djvg.sg/debian/ bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware

deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm main contrib non-free
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm main contrib non-free

root@edge:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat armbian.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://apt.armbian.com bookworm main bookworm-utils bookworm-desktop

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