On 16/11/23 10:15, Charles Curley wrote:
On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:04:55 +0800
jeremy ardley <jeremy.ard...@gmail.com> wrote:

My current favourites are RK3588 based CPU SBC devices which have an
exceptionally fast set of CPUs, high speed networking, and options
for Debian or Ubuntu or OpenWRT or Armbian. They can provide a
network storage service as well as a highly capable firewall
Ipv4/IPv6 function,with  DNS, DHCP, mail gateway, VPN gateway etc.

These things cost under $100USD including a nice heatsink case and
8-16GB RAM.
Nice. Can you point me at any specific vendors? I found the four
US vendors mentioned in https://pcengines.ch/order.htm. You've already
mentioned Friendly Elec.

The FriendlyElec boards are the most suitable as they have two or more LAN interfaces.

Alternatives are possible if you use a USB3 to LAN adaptor, so OrangePi and Rock Pi are options. The Orange Pi 5 is getting a lot of interest, but spec wise the FriendlyElec NanoPi devices equal or out perform it plus have multiple LAN

If I was after just a router I'd look at the NanoPi R6C https://www.friendlyelec.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=291

or for a DMZ implementation with 3 LAN, NanoPi R6S https://www.friendlyelec.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=289 - which breaks the $100 barrier

You can even go down a notch and look at the R5 and R4 series, but the price difference is not that great

If you want a full fledged PC with inbuilt PCIe NVME Drive and two LANS  and plugabble wifi the NanoPC-T6 fits the bill. https://www.friendlyelec.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=292

(I have a T6 for development work, a M4V2 for a lan server, and an R4 for router)

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