On Monday 24 June 2024 05:53:00 pm The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2024-06-24 at 09:41, Erwan David wrote:
> > AM/PM would not be so strange if between 11AM and 1 PM it was 12 AM
> > ...
> Although I don't think anything or anyone actually does it this way, I
> think strictly speaking the correct 12-hour notation for that time would
> be "12:00 M" - followed by 12:00:01 PM, and preceded by 11:59:59 AM.
> AM stands for "ante meridiem", i.e., before the midpoint; PM stands for
> "post meridiem", i.e., after the midpoint. The only correct term for the
> time that is exactly the midpoint would be "meridiem", and therefore, M.
> (Similar logic could be used for 11:59:59 PM, 12:00 M, and 12:00:01 AM,
> where the standalone M would stand for "midnight". That does expose one
> unfortunate weakness of this system: unless you introduce an additional
> layer of complexity, e.g. using "00:00 M", the notations for noon and
> midnight would be identical.)
So I have this digital clock up there in my panel,  and in the virtual machine 
here running Slackware I also have one.  The one under Debian shows 00:00 when 
it hits midnight,  while the one under Slackware shows 12:00...

I wonder what decisions were made to give this result?

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ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
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