On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 14:25:51 -0400, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> So I have this digital clock up there in my panel,  and in the virtual 
> machine here running Slackware I also have one.  The one under Debian shows 
> 00:00 when it hits midnight,  while the one under Slackware shows 12:00...
> I wonder what decisions were made to give this result?

As a reminder, the locales provided by libc6 in Debian have changed in
the last couple releases.

hobbit:~$ LC_TIME=en_US.utf8 date
Tue Jun 25 02:50:33 PM EDT 2024
hobbit:~$ LC_TIME=C date
Tue Jun 25 14:50:37 EDT 2024

Note that LC_TIME=en_US.utf8 uses a 12-hour clock by default now.  This
was not the case until recently.  Before that, it used a 24-hour clock
just like LC_TIME=C does.

I've exported LC_TIME=C into my environment to get the previous behavior
back.  That's my choice.

Perhaps your Slackware system is using a different libc version than your
Debian system.  Or you've got LC_TIME in your environment on one or the
other or both.

It could also just be a different version of your clock program.  Or a
wholly different clock program.

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