> I have spamassasin running on my unix servers. I want to use this as
> an external test for my imail/declude system as an external test.

A Declude external test uses filtering logic outside Declude: it sends
raw  envelope  and/or  header data to a separate filtering system from
Declude  and  returns  the  results  to  Declude  so  that they may be
aggregated  with  the  results  of  Declude's internal tests and other
externals  to  create an overall weight. SPAMC32 is a Declude external
test:  it  talks to a remote SpamAssassin SPAMD server and returns the
results  to  Declude,  with  a  sizable set of command-line options to
reduce  resource  utilization. The overall bandwidth used by SPAMC32 +
SPAMD   in  combination  is  essentially  half  that  of  a  dedicated
SpamAssassin server, since the message body need only be "vectored" in
one  direction  from SPAMC32 to SPAMD and the numeric results returned
--  as  opposed  to  being  transmitted completely to the SpamAssassin
server, tagged, and then transmitted completely to Declude.

A  Declude  _filter_  can  scan  the header of an incoming messages to
check  for  inserted  x- headers from earlier hops in your mail server
farm. This is not an external test, but it can check for headers added
by SpamAssassin or from any other preprocessor.

As developer of SPAMC32, of course I endorse it! However, I understand
that people have other reasons that make a non-integrated SpamAssassin
equally viable (such as multiple *nix-based stages in their mailflow).


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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