You might want to use the 32b version of the scanner, as well.

# F-PROT - 1st scanner
SCANFILE1       C:\Progra~1\FSI\F-Prot\fpcmd.exe /TYPE /SILENT /NOMEM /ARCHIVE /NOBOOT 
/DUMB /REPORT=report.txt
REPORT1         Infection:

Thursday, March 18, 2004, 9:57:41 AM, R. Scott Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>We have been running the latest interims for a couple of weeks (since
>>the EZIP stuff came out).  We are seeing the following error in the
>>virus logs:
>>03/18/2004 07:25:33 Qa32252df006a099c Could not find parse string
>>Infection: in report.txt
>>03/18/2004 07:25:33 Qa32252df006a099c Error 8 in virus scanner 1.
>>03/18/2004 07:25:33 Qa32252df006a099c Scanned: Error in virus scanner.
>>[MIME: 3 23481]

RSP> That is normal.  The "Error 8" indicates that F-Prot detected a suspicious 
RSP> file, in which case it will not know the name of the virus (since it didn't 
RSP> detect one).

>>We have f-prot 3.14e and Declude v1.78i27.  Running on Imail 7.15.  Here
>>is the Scan line from the virus.cfg:
>>SCANFILE        C:\Progra~1\FSI\F-Prot\F-Prot.exe /TYPE /SILENT /NOMEM

RSP> The "/SERVER" is not recommended, and will cause the "Error 8"'s.

RSP>                                                     -Scott
RSP> ---
RSP> Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers 
RSP> since 2000.
RSP> Declude Virus: Ultra reliable virus detection and the leader in mailserver 
RSP> vulnerability detection.
RSP> Find out what you've been missing: Ask for a free 30-day evaluation.

RSP> ---
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Don Brown - Dallas, Texas USA     Internet Concepts, Inc.
PGP Key ID: 04C99A55              (972) 788-2364  Fax: (972) 788-5049
Providing Internet Solutions Worldwide - An eDataWeb Affiliate

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