Hello all,
I recieved an email from QuSoft this afternoon.
I asked them some questions and these are the replies:
We are currently finishing up the 3.0.5 release.
There are some remaining issues with the TQREditor component and this has
been holding up the release.  As soon as this is finished, the 3.0.5
fileset will be released and on our download page..

QuSoft answers every tech support message from registered users sent to
this address within 1 to 2 business days.  We can not provide support for
the version of Quick Report that is bundled with Delphi and C++Builder.
Inprise does not pay us for the version that they bundle and they are
supposed to provide support via their forums.  We
are working on setting up our own news server, but we wont have the
resources to get it up and running until after 3.0.5 has been released.

While we can't answer messages from non-registered users, we do have an
extensive Quick Report Knowledge Base on our download page under the name
kb.zip that anyone can download.

So I guess this answers most of our questions about the new release
and the support with the new news server.

John Kaster said in a message "We are working with QUSoft directly
on this issue."
and Charlie Calvert sent me an email saying:
Yes, we have been in contact with them and are working to improve this
product. it is complicated, because the engineers do not work directly for
Borland. It is too early to tell if D5 will have a better version of
QuickReports, but I hope so.
So it looks like both QuSoft and Borland are working to get the whole
issue with Quick Reports sorted out.

At least we have some feedback about what is going on.

--  All the best from James Sandbrook.
Charlie Calvert talks about Delphi's future
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