Here they are Tony,

David Intersimone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
and Charlie Calvert ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

--  All the best from James Sandbrook.
Charlie Calvert talks about Delphi's future
HTML-New Zealand Web Site Links-Family-Delphi-Pascal-
School Projects-Computer Terms-Interviews with Dr Bob
and Marco Canty - And our Delphi e-group.
Tony Blomfield wrote:

> OK Will do.
> I am asking all of you who have purchased Quick Reports to send a
> message to Charlie Calvert, John Kaster or even David I, to let them
> know that you are not happy with Quick Reports and QuSoft.
> If we all let them know we are not happy then something will be done
> about it.
> How about some Email Addresses.

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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