On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Chris Crowe wrote:

> I beleive that the loaded method is called when the properties for the
> component are "loaded" from the run time DFM. Since there is no DFM when you
> create the control manually there is no properties to be loaded.

My understanding was that it triggered after the properties had been
loaded, and after create, so that the default values had been applied.
AFAIK under D3 and earlier, it also triggered when doing a manual create,
although I may be wrong here.

> Just call the .Loaded method when you create the control at runtime.

.Loaded is a protected method, and thus I can't actually call it from
outside its unit.  For now, I've just made a wee fudge in the code :P

Mark Derricutt, PB Power NZ Ltd (http://www.pbpower.net)
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