As you suggested, I have started from the TabStaff script. (By the way,
searching for Tab or Tabulature in the command center did not work, I
had to search Denemo's files on the shell with the find utility to
locate the command.) My current code is this:

(let ((tag "VaticanaStaff"))
        (ToggleDirective "staff" "postfix" tag " \\new VaticanaVoice <<\n"
        (ToggleDirective "voice" "postfix" tag "\n" (logior
        (ToggleDirective "clef" "postfix" tag "{} \n"  (logior

The problem is that the context is not named so that the lyrics cannot
be assigned. How do I get the name of the context, i.e. produce
 \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" <<
instead of
 \new VaticanaVoice <<
? Moreover, the \lyricsto command is not issued when I apply the script
above. How do I change that?


Am 18.12.2016 um 15:55 schrieb Richard Shann:
> On Sun, 2016-12-18 at 14:10 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
>> I have attached a Lilypond file of what I would like to obtain.
> Ok - I'm rather deep into a re-structuring of the code for creating the
> menu system and loading/saving commands, so I won't get to this very
> quickly, but I've made some notes below which will jog my memory when I
> get to it. Meanwhile, you can play with the script for TabStaff and
> Mordent to see how far you get - post up any attempts and I can comment.
> Here are my notes:
>> \include ""
> There is a command to put in an include file. Once you have created it
> you can then make a button to clone it for insertion in a new score (or
> use the score you create as a template)
>> \score {
>> <<
>> \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
> This would be similar to commands that create \new TabStaff or \new
> DynamicsStaff
> there are two layers of context emitted by Denemo \new Staff and \new
> Voice, here you only have one so one of them will need to be blanked out
> which TabStaff does too - the script is
> ;;;TabStaff
> (let ((tag "TabStaff"))
>       (ToggleDirective "staff" "postfix" tag " \\new TabStaff <<\n"  
>       (ToggleDirective "voice" "postfix" tag "\n" (logior 
>       (ToggleDirective "clef" "postfix" tag "{} \n"  (logior 
> where the "voice" context is being set to "\n" ie a blank line. The
> "staff" context you could replace like this:
> (ToggleDirective "staff" "postfix" tag " \\new VaticanaVoice <<\n"  
>> \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #(x11-color 'black) % override
>>  default red color of staff
> This you can do with Insert LilyPond
>> \clef "vaticana-fa2"
> There is a menu for inserting any clef, just type in this name
>> \[ d\melisma d \melismaEnd \] c\ictus d f\ictus g \augmentum f
>> \divisioMinima
> These are the interesting ones. They are like ornaments in their syntax
> - so you could start by cloning the code that creates \trill to create
> these. By stages I think you would want then to go on to creating
> compound commands that would insert a note at the cursor height and
> apply these "ornaments", and you would want at a minimum to display
> something on the note so you could see what sort of "ornament" was
> applied (you could eventually draw the actual glyphs in place of the
> notes, so you get a better display).
>> e\ictus f g \[ f\flexa\melisma e \melismaEnd \] \augmentum d
>> \augmentum d \divisioMaior
>> f f \[ f\flexa\melisma e \] \melismaEnd d e f \[ g\melisma a g a bes
>> \augmentum a\melismaEnd \] \divisioMinima
>> a a g f \[ f\melisma \pes g \melismaEnd \] \augmentum f \divisioMinima
>> f f \[ e\episemInitium\melisma \pes f \episemFinis \melismaEnd \] g
>> \[ f\flexa\melisma e\melismaEnd \] \augmentum d \augmentum d \finalis
>> }
>> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
>> Da pa -- cem Do -- mi -- ne in di -- e -- bus no -- stris:
>> qui -- a non est a -- li -- us
>> qui pu -- gnet pro no -- bis,
>> ni -- si tu De -- us no -- ster.
>> }
>> }
> The lyrics don't require any new work I think.
> Richard

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