I have written some scripts which I have attached to this mail.
DivisioMinima, DivisioMaior, DivisioMaxima and Finalis do what they
should, yet the graphics is not displayed in the Denemo display. I have
chosen to make Melisma and MelismaEnd chord directives, since these are
useful for modern music as well. For Ictus I have used a note directive
as you suggested, yet it produces a Lilypond error since the \ictus
command is issued before the duration (e.g. c\ictus 1 ). Is there a
possibility to have notes without duration in Denemo? The StaffColor
directive seems to work well.

(StandAloneSelfEditDirective (cons "DivisioMinima" "\\divisioMinima") #t "DivisioMinima")
(StandAloneSelfEditDirective (cons "DivisioMaior" "\\divisioMaior") #t "DivisioMaior")
(StandAloneSelfEditDirective (cons "DivisioMaxima" "\\divisioMaxima") #t "DivisioMaxima")
(StandAloneSelfEditDirective (cons "Finalis" "\\finalis") #t "Finalis")
(let ((tag "ToggleMelisma"))
(ToggleDirective "chord" "postfix" (cons tag  "(mel") "\\melisma " )
(d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag DENEMO_OVERRIDE_AFFIX))
(let ((tag "ToggleMelismaEnd"))
(ToggleDirective "chord" "postfix" (cons tag  "mel)") "\\melismaEnd " )
(d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag DENEMO_OVERRIDE_AFFIX))
(let ((tag "ToggleIctus"))
(ToggleDirective "note" "postfix" (cons tag  "'") "\\ictus " )
(d-DirectivePut-note-override tag DENEMO_OVERRIDE_AFFIX))
(let ((tag "ChordVariant")(thecolor ""))
	(if (d-Directive-staff? tag) (set! thecolor (d-DirectiveGet-staff-data tag thecolor)))
	(set! thecolor (d-GetUserInput "Staff Color" "Give Lilypond color name" thecolor))
	(d-DirectivePut-staff-data tag thecolor)
	(d-DirectivePut-staff-display tag thecolor)
	(d-DirectivePut-staff-override tag  DENEMO_OVERRIDE_GRAPHIC)
	(d-DirectivePut-staff-postfix tag  (string-append "\\override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #(x11-color '" thecolor ")"))
	(d-SetSaved #f))
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