On Thu, 2017-05-18 at 15:12 -0500, mcatanz...@gnome.org wrote:
> I think we should remove this extension immediately.

that sounds quite radical, does it not?

Removing everything what has bugs, instead of fixing them, what would
you ship to your users?

> It provides limited value, since you almost always want to skip
> through the pretty little trace to see the full backtrace anyway.

Different people, different usages. What you do not use maybe others
do. I see many regressions in the recent changes in GNOME bugzilla
which simply break my workflow with it, built and fine-tuned during
many years of using it, but nobody cares. They know better what I
should do and how, it seems.

> And this confusing bug is very serious.

Hmm, did you hit that bug yourself? I did not. I see it's filled since
2015, with 18 CC'ed users. That's not a low number, but there had been
filled thousands of backtraces during that time, with no problem so far
(I believe so at least, I do not have exact numbers, thus if anyone can
correct my expectations, then I'm all fine).
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