On Wed, 2017-05-17 at 10:06 -0400, Pat Suwalski wrote:
> On 2017-05-16 07:10 PM, Mattias Bengtsson wrote:
> > How did you install GitLab? We use the omnibus RPM package for
> > CentOS
> > and have had no dependency problems while upgrading from some 7.x
> > release all the way to 9.1.x over the last few years. A lot come
> > bundled in the omnibus package and the rest gets installed from the
> > host operating system repositories.
> There's the difference. I don't trust the current omnibus package, so
> I install from source. That decision is old, but at the time we
> installed, there wasn't an omnibus package.

There lies your problem I believe. I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply

> A proper package would rely on system libraries only.

Shipping software, targeting multiple Linux distributions is hard. 

> Anyway, this is getting off-topic. Using the only appropriate
> install method for this package takes considerable effort.

It is. I don't agree that a manual installation from source is "the
only appropriate install method". That is a rather extreme position to
take and one I'm sure our sysadmins doesn't hold.

In short, I don't consider this an issue.

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