In bug 940842 I started investigating adding a new CSS property
'will-animate' to let authors give better descriptions of their intents
instead of relying on our complicated, and unpredictable, internal
heuristics. The better the platform can understand what the page is trying
to do, the better it can optimize. This has the results that the page
behave more like a native app would from the perspective of the hardware
and GPU. I'm glossing over a lot of details here. If you want more
information or would like to comment on that proposal please see bug 940842
and the www-style discussion[1].

For those interested this proposal is going to be a contributing factor to
'performance polish' and battery. Namely when our average FPS is near
55-60, we can drop 5 sequential frames briefly preparing an animation.

I'd like some feedback on enabling this CSS property for B2G only. I plan
on landing this property behind a preference but setting this preference
for B2G by default so that gaia can use it. Once the spec is accepted I
will enable this everywhere

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