On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Benoit Girard <bgir...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Yes, that's fair.  In the world of DOM APIs, we sometimes do this for
>> other reasons though, either because of time pressure to ship, or because
>> we're not sure if a given API is a good idea and we want to have a sandbox
>> where a subset of the developers targeting our platform (in that case the
>> gaia developers) being able to play with the feature and provide us with
>> feedback that can guide our way to expose the feature to the web.
> This is exactly the case here. We have pressure to ship but we are still
> discussing the proposal. However details on how animating scrolling,
> transform and opacity should work is agreed upon so far. Being able to ship
> that functionally while we discuss how other properties will behave with
> will-animate.
> Perhaps in that case it is appropriate to restrict to certified apps
> temporarily while the proposal is complete. In the future we will be ready
> to ship to the web. If we go with this suggestion then b2g apps will have
> to wait a few releases to get this feature.

Two additional points which should be noted in making a decision here are
that 1) this feature will be detectable from both CSS and script, and 2) it
apparently changes the rules for creating new stacking contexts, which
means that it has the potential of changing the page's rendering if you
start using it where you did not have a stacking context before.

Given this, I think the best choices would be to either not expose it
anywhere on the web or to expose it everywhere on the web (including the
Firefox OS browser, and Firefox for desktop and Android.  Like I said
before, if the pressure to ship prevents us from taking the former
position, we should consider enabling it for certified apps only, in the
interest of not shipping features to the Web before they're finalized.

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