I have both necessary UDEV rules, after the first v1.3 flash (with the old 
1.0.B02 firmware still on it) it was still accessible via adb.
after the second v1.3 flash (reconfigure as "user" device, with firmware 1.1 
installed) it was not accessible anymore, adb devices shows nothing.
its running on the 1.1 ZTE firmware now, and i'll look into the modifications 
of the boot.img (but there are different explanations out there and some 
require to install cwm recovery because they are based on the Revision 01 
phones without fastboot)
the most important change seems to be to disable the built RIL-proxy, as ZTE 
obviously provides this as a blob (BAAAAD - so much for "open")
1.4 does seem out of reach anyways, since its reported to be quite unstable.

is 1.3 such a big improvement over 1.1? (just checking if its all worth the 

i am somewhat torn now, as it does seem to be overly complicated to get a new 
build running and i do not want to install a prebuilt image of someone else.
and it more or less also confirms that this phone is anything but "open", as it 
requires basically ZTE to provide the updates, as hacking the boot.img only 
gets you so far.

let me ask the other way around:
except the sold out Geeksphones, what phone can one buy that will actually run 
on a "vanilla" build of Firefox OS - i.e. is there any phone which can be 
updated by oneself without having to jump through hoops and hoping for 
continued support of the manufacturer?

also, the porting of ICS Android devices does not seem to be really explained,
and on XDA for example there are some people involved in doing ports, but they 
also don't want to "spill the beans".
why i ask? i have a nice old Samsung Galaxy Apollo lying around here, Android 
ICS is available for it (via an unofficial Cyanogenmod port) and it does seem 
to be in the same ballpark as the ZTE Open performance wise.
also since FFOS introduced dual sim support, i have a Samsung Galaxy Grand to 
play around with and test that. ;)

i am not just jet willing to giving up on FFOS, as i really like the basic idea 
behind it.
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